“But there’s wisdom in women, of more than they have known,
And thoughts go blowing through them, are wiser than their own.”

                                                                                    Rupert Brooke




The importance role of women in producing a healthy society is obvious. One approach to this healthy and educated society is increasing the education of the    people particularly the women and the establishment of the research centers seems to be very necessary for this purpose

The Preventative Gynecology Research Center (PGRC) was established in 2015 in Imam Hossein Hospital. The activities of this center are in line with the vision of the activity of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and the general development and progress programs of the country mentioned in the documents of the strategic plan of the university.

  1. The Research: this includes most of the center's activities and is related to conducting scientific research on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and control of complications resulting from interventions in the field of women's diseases so that we can report the obtained results. We have helped health policy activists and other researchers to improve the level of women's health.
  2. Educational: which itself is divided into two sub-axis of society and health care staff. By preparing brochures and books, educational videos, congresses, webinar programs, workshops, etc., this center tries to improve the knowledge level of society, especially women and people active in the field of women's health, by using the latest findings. Fulfill itself. 

Vision: The Preventative Gynecology Research Center (PGRC) will be among the top research centers in the country in the field of research and education in all areas of women's health.

Mission: In line with the mission of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, the mission of efficient and effective research and knowledge production center for the health of each human being, especially with the priority of solving problems in the field of women's health and treatment, away from any discrimination and with the goal will be their promotion and excellence.

Principles governing the activities of our center: 

  • The principle of women's equality in having and using the results of medical science research and healthcare services.
  • The principle of adapting research to the general needs of Iranian society with the aim of deprivation.
  • The principle of effective research is based on four groups: health decision-making/health status and service provision/components affecting health/health economics.
  • The principle of promotion and excellence of humans.

Research lines: 

  • Increasing the level of community awareness, improving the diagnostic and treatment process, and designing screening methods for women's diseases, both contagious and non-communicable.
  • Using the technology and knowledge of health information technology, especially artificial intelligence, in examining the process of screening, diagnosis, treatment, and control of complications caused by therapeutic interventions in infertility and treatment of women's diseases to evaluate and improve these processes.
  • Improvement and advancement of infertility treatment methods.

Till 2023 with 137 published articles, 29 webinars, holding 4 international congresses (The Debatable Topics on Obstetrics Gynecology & Infertility), and about 8 published books, this center tries to continue to fulfill its mission and become an efficient member of the research community, especially women health researches.